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Refugee Week -  World Music and Arts festival - Tuesday Highlights Back from those Hay Days, back to the armchair, Hamilton High's Refugee Week in Birmingham, 2021

Refugee Week - World Music and Arts festival - Tuesday Highlights

Back from those Hay Days, back to the armchair, Hamilton High's Refugee Week in Birmingham, 2021

by Hamilton High,
first published: June, 2021

approximate reading time: minutes

Now is a good time to visit the world. Or an Africa of the mind, to shrink it to just an enormous continent. Eddy Aigbe will take you there and elsewhere.

Refugee Week World Music and Arts festival – highlights

Just when you think the world is shrinking to a Nigel Farage daydream that viscerally stinks of old cabbage and Wetherspoons carpets, the sun comes out and musical notes and specks of colour float against the grey like psychedelic dust motes.

Now is a good time to visit the world. Or an Africa of the mind, to shrink it to just an enormous continent. Eddy Aigbe will take you there and elsewhere. His 3D paintings draw you in, a beckoning, benevolent guide to patchwork places he might have been to himself. You could wear Eddy’s paintings and that would be a favour to high street walkers who would also get a glimpse of his remarkable, living visions. Even pixelated, on screen, they have texture. My screen has smears from my wishful fingertips. His commissioned work is being highlighted as part of the week.

Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Founded in 1998 and held every year around World Refugee Day on the 20 June, Refugee Week is also a growing global movement.

Essential Info
Main Image: Wole Soyinka by Eddy Aigbe
Refugee Week 2021 website
Celebrating Sanctuary Birmingham website

Hamilton High

Hamilton High was born on Doheny Ave in the gutter, is a poet, writer and observer of popular culture. Likes fashion and cares less for style. He's on the move, he's an alter ego and we hardly ever hear from him.
about Hamilton High »»

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Now is a good time to visit the world. Or an Africa of the mind, to shrink it to just an enormous continent. Eddy Aigbe will take you there and elsewhere.
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