A - Art - The plot for this new novel is based around art and artists. Hidden inside it are a few comments on artists and critics. It's a fairly serious book of art criticism disguised as a neo-noir. / B - Bukowski - I published some of his poems in a fanzine I did. He was a kind and gracious correspondent for a while / C - Cocteau - It's a terrible thing that the Cocteau chapel at Notre Dame in London is now behind perspex / D - Death - Is or is not the end? I dunno / E - ebooks - if you can't beat them... / F - Fisher, Billy aka Liar still my favourite film / G - Giraffe - "you never see a giraffe at a fly's funeral" - that's the punchline to the last joke somebody told me/ H - Hulk - It's Hulk or nothing for me these days, comicswise / I - I Came All The Way Here, I May As Well Go All The Way There. That's the title of a new record I'm working on right now. / J - Le Javanaise. One of my favourite Serge songs. / K - KIRK LAKE MICKEY THE MIMIC BUY IT HERE / L - Last of the Famous International Playboys - I wish / M - Meat Is Murder. It just is. / N - Never Hit The Ground, that was my first book, a lost classic of sorts / O - "older and wiser, never applies to me..." - a lyric. / P - Piercing Brightness - This is the sci-fi film I wrote for Shezad Dawood. Ufos and aliens in Preston. Kitchen sink sci-fi. Out on DVD in August / Q - Quimby, Fred - Here's something I only remembered recently. When I was about 5 or 6 I used to love Tom and Jerry cartoons so much I would sometimes kiss the screen when Quimby's name came on to thank him for producing the cartoons. / R - Rufus - So I did this book on Rufus Wainwright. It was an experiment in trying to write a regular non-fiction biography. I wouldn't do that kind of book again. / S - Selby, Hubert - In my very short lived "career" as a journalist I did an interview with Hubert Selby, he taught me more about how to get the truth into writing fiction in the few times I got to talk to him than anybody before or since / T - Thomas, Dylan - I played at the Laugharne Festival this year doing a kind of Dylan Thomas fronts the Fall improv thing. Evidence here / U - Ultravox - Somebody asked me recently who was the most boring band I had ever seen and I decided it was Ultravox, Vienna era at Birmingham Odeon. Others even more boring have probably been forgotten. / V - Velvet Underground. I was talking to somebody the other day and trying to guess how many times I might have listened to the first Velvets album. When I first bought it circa 1980 it had only been out 13 years. Now its been out 46 years. / W - Wyndham, John - Author of Day of the Triffids, Chocky etc. I bought his desk at an auction. Next two things I wrote after that ended up being sci-fi. Don't think the desk is haunted though. / X - Xanthareel, a yellow eel. Looks mean. My favourite animal beginning with X / Y - You Can't Always Get What You Want. Saw the Stones for the first time at Hyde Park this year. They were very, very, very far away. / Z -ZZZzzzzzzzzz //