Fastfood Paintings
John Kilduff
Blackstone Gallery, Los Angeles
until January 4th
Not from the moon precisely, no. But may as well be when marooned in Bearwood, so steadfast in it's distance from Mulholland Drive, where just a few years ago, was it with the sheerest of happenstance(?), John Kilduff set up his first, fabulous, FastFood Paint Van.
Look, reader, friend, you know well by now, at Outsideleft we are unkown if we are not known for our jaundiced bias, favoritism, cronyism and sheer balonyism. And falling into many of the categories is our enduring love of John Kilduff although it has to be said, even if he didn't fall into many said categories, we'd still highly recommend his new all too brief show at the Blackstone Gallery in downtown LA. It begins on Thursday and runs until January 4th.
We usually love press releases as they prevent us from having to think, having to conjure too hard, and Blackstone's "As the creator of 'Mr. Lets Paint TV' Kilduff has managed to produce a consistent level of bizarre. Now, Mr. Lets Paint gives us "Fastfood Paintings", an interactive performance installation that mends the glitz and glamour of a fastfood restaurant with the magic of a painter covered in oil paint." is exceptionally helpful.
We first met John when he invited us to join him on his Lets Paint TV show a couple of years back. John I think as I recall, painted the essential essence hell out of me, while riding the treadmill with such elan, and, all the while frying snickers bars, the latter, the only aspect of this triumvirate with even slightly mixed results. Not so bizarre then. More just another ho hum day at the office. Oh and John also took phone calls live on air at the same time. Tweet that!
Cable Access. It was all goofballs had to watch before youtube and Kilduff is to Cable Access painting programming what RuPaul is to style. There was probably something in the Charter about educating and informing, John met that metric too. It could never happen here. Health, Safety, Gatekeepers etc. Oh Be Damned.
Anyway, I have now tired of showing my age and showing my love, all's left is the important information from the Blackstone Gallery - it all begins at noon on Thursday December 12th and John will be on hand flipping impossibly real burgers. It ends up on January 4th, so, an implausibly short shelf life. If you only go to one Fast Food art show this holiday, etc...
Blackstone Gallery
901 S. Broadway
Los angeles 90015
(909) 746 6308
More info to be found on John Kilduff's website, here.
Let's Paint TV is here