Swedish Mailer
In this age where music has often been reduced to empty, form-filled floss only serving to bolster a phalanx of marketing agents, interested in none but your dollar. a recent release I received was a welcome shot of wind in my critical sails. John Cage made his name off his famous piece 4'33', where the piantst sits at a piano for that duration and does nothing, allowing instead the sounds of the world to enter instead of more concert music the world does not need. Noble gesture to be sure, but these unnamed Swedish coneptaulists have finished the job he left half-done. This release consists of NO CD, NO tape, NO nothing, appraently done by NOBODY, released by NO COMPANY. The Scandinavians were ardent adopters of the Fluxus movement, but this act blows away and George Macuinas-sanctioned escapade of hukster nihilism.
The whole (or should I say 'hole') of the release was an empty mailer hanging open in my mailbox, wih a yellow sticker saying "Recieved Without Contents" applied by the post office. Neanderthals! Can't they even try to understand that they were witness and unwitting participant in a great step forward in music! Empty, indeed! It is filled with idealogical frontierism.
The Swedish compatriots nary put a name on the envelope, just a standard sticker saying:
If undeliverable return to
PO BOX 2097
Se-202 26 Malmo
If you are behind this triumphant act and reading this, please contact me at the address to which you posted it. I'd love to hear what else you have to (not) say.