Every week OUTSIDELEFT tells the stories of art and culture that mean something to our writers. For the past month or so we have been encouraging you to write something for us!
And the response to that call out so far? Thrilling. However, there is just 24 hours or so to go to get your story entry to us.
The theme of the Outsideleft's 2022 Short Story Competition is 'Concrete'.
Concrete is so much more than the material from which the world's cities, roads and flyovers are constructed. 'Concrete' is the unmoving, hard to get round. Solid. Ideas can be concrete. Beliefs can be concrete. Unassailable truth is 'concrete'. Your concrete might not be our concrete.
The deadline for submissions is closing on May 31st, so if you haven’t started on that story you’ve been promising to write, now is your time.
Visit our 2022 short story competition page to read the complete details of how to enter, when the various reveals will happen and all that kind of stuff.
A final thanks too, to the popular websites out there that have helped promote our story competition, we really wouldn’t have come this far without you.
Do it! Send your story to us today…
The 2022 Outsideleft Short Story Competition, How to Enter is here