Okay, cue the endless jokes about setting the phone to vibrate and ha ha ha so on. But who cares about that. Not before November, you cheeky boys, will there be an iPhone in Paris, France. Meanwhile, as maligned pin ups go, Paris Hilton is a favorite. And as a testimony to her good taste Paris already has an iPhone, although it won't work in Paris. Happily, as my friend W@lt pointed out, being an ex-con doesn't factor into the pre-activation credit check or Paris might've been left wanting..
More words have been written about the iPhone device than will ever be spoken on it. It's undergone all sorts of worrisome internal examinations, stress tests and physiological analysis. Questions of it's psychological impact on the mobile communications industry and not least of all the queuing masses have been raked over some pretty hot coals. Aaaah, the war stories regaled by those who lined up 40 deep at the Mac stores, rain or so often shine. Half a million of us in one weekend. What stirs such passion to make us pay $175 to terminate our contract with an existing service provider and sign up a-new for two years. Would a fraction of these Americans if asked, line up and sign up for two years to serve their country so readily. For those that would, perhaps Apple could do a special edition iPhone, with a stars and stripes backplate. There's a troop shortage. Steve Jobs wants you as a new recruit? Cool.
It's ushered in a whole new sect of straight-up mac haters, while the die hards stood their ground to defend the realm at all costs... And with the reported margins on this product that's saying something about defending the indefensible. For the rest of us, non-combatants, or maybe us too poor to commit, it seems like a pretty cool and nifty and Very Now iTem. And a lot of phones don't. I really like the dubiously received keyless keyboard, loved the way the onscreen letters popped up to a human-readable scale when pressed, even without my glasses, before you enter them.
The iconic design is destined for MOMA for sure. Still it seems so much like the New Beetle in some respects; Where can the design go from here and how quickly? I've seen several in the wild. Most recently in an ob-gyn waiting room, with a woman with a very large handbag but no obvious room in it for her iPhone, it seemed. Oh, and I am bored by it already. A sentence ago I loved it, now I am bored. How fickle we are. I am already looking forward to getting my hands on the oPhone. The nanoPhone.
Of course no discussion, not that this particularly purports to be that, no discussion about the iPhone or patriotism would be complete without answering the question, Will It Blend. You will have to go here, www.willitblend.com to find out.